
掌握语言, 文学, and culture of Spain and Latin America with a degree in 西班牙语 from 赌博十大靠谱在线网址. As one of the most spoken languages in the world, 西班牙语 is an integral part of the global economy. 无论你毕业后是在商业部门还是公共部门工作, 西班牙语技能将提升你的长期职业前景.

还有一个专注和细心的教师指导你的学习, 圣路易斯山谷是学习西班牙语的丰富文化地区. 不同的人口组成了当地的社区, and the area has a deep political and cultural history as a territory of both Spain and Mexico before becoming part of the United States in the mid-19th century. Opportunities to learn directly from your neighbors will support your personal and professional growth.

  • 西班牙语文学学士(文科重点)
  • 西班牙语文学士(中学教师执照)
  • 西班牙语基础教育重点证书
  • 辅修西班牙语


Adams State students wishing to begin the study of 西班牙语 at the beginning level must enroll in 西班牙语 103 (Elementary 西班牙语 I) classes during the fall semester, 然后在春季继续学习西班牙语104(初级西班牙语II). 这个部门 不会 offer 西班牙语 103 during the Spring semester; therefore, 鼓励学生仔细计划他们的时间表. 同样的, 西班牙语203(中级西班牙语I)将只在秋季学期提供, 然后在春季继续西班牙语204(中级西班牙语II).


The learning-pace and level-of-progression of 西班牙语 103 and 西班牙语 104 are consistent with other university-level 西班牙语 classes. 一般, the acquisition of language skills follows predictable levels of performance during the first two semesters. 学生 are encouraged to be diligent in the study and practice of 西班牙语 in order to maximize their progress and fluency in the language.


The learning-pace and level-of-progression of 西班牙语 203 and 西班牙语 204 are consistent with other college-level 西班牙语 classes. 一般, intermediate levels-of-performance also follow predictable patterns of progression. Our classes are designed to nurture and challenge the normal acquisition of language skills during this intermediate phase of study. 学生 are encouraged to maintain an active level of participation in 西班牙语 usage in order to maximize their progress and fluency in the language.


学习使用西班牙语需要在语言“执行”任务方面进行持续的练习. This means that the student should look for every opportunity to use what is being learned in the classroom. 学生们被鼓励听西班牙音乐, 电视节目, 广播节目制作和参加课外对话小组. 努力达到更高的口语水平 & written performance in language use will make your language experience more enjoyable and profitable.


你比任何人都了解自己的语言表现能力. 遵循自我定位的学习课程,挑战你的能力. Our self-placement policy rewards your efforts by giving you up to 8 “free 学分” for self-placing at a level in 西班牙语 that challenges you.



Dr. Meliza拉米雷斯




掌握语言技能,积累文化知识. 增加你的职业选择,或者成为一名语言专家. 赌博十大靠谱在线网址的西班牙语课程将帮助你实现你的目标, 通过引导你走上通往成功事业的正确道路. Our focus on student experience and student outcomes has led us to the highest job placement rates of any institution our size in Colorado and the nation.



Business contacts that deal with the 西班牙语 speaking population are more likely to have positive results when the 业务 representative demonstrates a knowledge of the client’s language and culture.


医疗诊所, 医院, emergency centers and nursing care units routinely seek out employees who can speak 西班牙语.


翻译或口译员, 新闻分析师或评论员, 公共关系经理, 外交事务官员, 小学或中学教师, 成人教育.






SPAN 103:初级西班牙语I(4学分)
读音学对发音原理的研究, 初级会话, 语法要点, 写作文, 阅读难度分级的材料.

SPAN 179:基础西班牙语强化复习 (4学分)

A review of the 西班牙语 language at the elementary level (equivalent to 西班牙语 103 and 104), 以更快的速度. 本课程的学生将在所有四项技能上进行强化练习:口语, 听, 阅读, 和写作.

SPAN 350:高级语法 & 作文(3学分)
强化语法和语言写作的课程. Advanced grammar principles, translation from English to 西班牙语 and other language refinements.

SPAN 315:商务西班牙语 (3学分)

具体词汇教学, 语法结构, and cultural insights needed to effectively deal with the common everyday 业务 interactions between the 西班牙语-speaking client and English- speaking 业务 community.

SPAN 316:卫生专业西班牙语 (3学分)

特殊词汇教学, 语法结构 and cultural understanding needed to deal effectively with the 西班牙语 speaking patient/health professional interactions. The student will learn to interact in 西班牙语 with a variety of simulated common everyday patient/health personnel situations.

SPAN 317:西班牙语翻译(3学分)

An introduction to the history, theory and techniques of translation and interpretation. 特定的词汇, 语法结构, and cultural insights needed to effectively deal with translations from English/西班牙语 or 西班牙语/English will be explored. 学生 will practice with texts of different length and from different professional fields, 比如健康, 业务, 和法律, 并获得在两种语言之间进行笔译和口译的信心.

SPAN 325:西班牙文明 & 文化 (3学分)

Instruction on selected themes taken from the historical legacy and cultural institutions of the 西班牙语 people. 文化主题包括阅读:罗马遗产, 教会, 摩尔人, 黄金时代的伟大作家, 伟大的西班牙君主, 弗朗哥, 等.
The selected themes will determine the supplemental 阅读s that are selected in depth discussion and study.

SPAN 326:拉丁美洲文明 & 文化(3学分)

Instruction on selected themes taken from the historical and literary legacy of the 西班牙语 people. 文学主题包括阅读西班牙英雄主义, 中世纪西班牙信仰, 西班牙帝国主义, 西班牙语-Indian关系, 伟大的西班牙探险家, 等. The selected themes will determine the 阅读 that are selected for in depth discussion and study.

西班牙语音学-语言历史 (3学分)

Introduction to the study of the 西班牙语 sound system including a brief background of the history and development of the 西班牙语 language as well as some discussion of dialectal differences across the globe. Designed for those planning to teach 西班牙语 including pedagogical concepts that can be applied in the classroom to aid students in the improvement of their 西班牙语 pronunciation. 考察英语/西班牙语对比,包括书面抄写练习, 口服产品, 以及对西班牙语口语的分析.

SPAN 396:外语教学方法 (3学分)

A study of effective teaching methods and the development of a contextualized approach to language instruction that is based on meaningful language use, 真实的交流, 以及学习者之间的互动. Emphasis will be placed on the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.

415:塞万提斯/吉诃德 (3 学分)

A study of the life and important works of Cervantes with special emphasis on the Quijote. 本课程需要教练批准才能注册.
